On Tuesday Chip and Jonna Gaines, who became household names due to the cultural phenomenon that is Fixer Upper launched their very own network, the Magnolia Network, on the Discovery Plus streaming service. It is due to hit cable tv later this year. Some might wonder how a couple from the formerly forgotten-about Waco, Texas who hosted yet ANOTHER house-flipping show become enough of a phenomenon to have their own network? Some may say it’s their antics , but I think it’s their authenticity. in a world full of shows like The Bachelor they are unafraid to be their quirky selves. In a world where kids are on devices from the moment they are born, they are unafraid to not let their kids have electronic devices so they actually go outside. In a world full of perfect Instagrams and keeping up with the Joneses, Chip and Jo are authentic, and authentic always wins.